February 9, 2025
Upstaged (A Graphic Novel)
Meet Ashton, they are about to enter high school, so it’s their last year for theater camp. Ivy is Ash’s best friend, and Ash also has a crush on her. Ash wants to spend as much time with Ivy as possible, But the two are sent to different cabins and they are doing different things. Will Ash get the perfect summer that they were hoping for?

I liked the art in this book, it was very cute and kind of a mix of cartoon and anime. The story really flowed well when I read it, and I liked the idea of it too. I didn’t really like that there was a lot of romance involved, but a lot of books have romance in them. My favorite character was Paige, who was part or the theater crew, because she always tried to help Ash, no matter what.

I recommend this book to people who like books about theater, camp, and coming of age stories.

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