January 17, 2025
Pipe Dreams: The Urgent Global Quest to Transform the Toilet
Where does your wastewater go? What substances are okay to flush or not? How many millions of people have no access to toilets? Not only do under-resourced countries desperately need to create and upgrade their wastewater(and clean water) systems, but so does every other nation! Our sewer systems and septic tanks are aging, while we require them to handle more than they were ever designed to do. Here in the drought-stricken West, we are acutely aware of how our water is used—and wasted. In many parts of the world, there are no toilets—and the pandemic has made many more toilets inaccessible. But publicly available and low-flow toilets are only the beginning of a solution. In this thoughtfully and entertainingly written book, Chelsea Wald travels the globe to investigate the most pressing problems and explore promising solutions, including improved filtration and sanitation systems, toilet designs, funding mechanisms, and much more. There are so many innovations you’ve never heard of, including ways to use what we now flush away to improve agriculture, create new fuel sources, and preserve our drinking water for generations to come. An informative and well-written read that will open your eyes.

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